Perfect nails

Perfect nails, we all dream of them. But difficult to achieve this if you are not a fan of nail salons. So when the time comes to put on your nail polish, a small problem always comes to confront us. Broken nail, damaged or chipped nail polish... Not easy indeed! Today, I'm giving you 7 tips that will help you get perfect nails! 1. File your nails properly To begin, you will need to arm...


Mistakes not to make to have beautiful nails!

Having beautiful hands brings femininity and elegance. To enhance your hands, nothing better than having beautiful nails. For this, there are some mistakes not to make to have beautiful nails. We give you our 4 "don't" for a successful manicure. Stop biting them Biting your nails is the first mistake you can make. It is surely the most widespread and yet it is the first to have to be er...