How to properly prepare your nails before applying varnish?

Before a treatment or before applying color, preparing your nails well contributes to the optimal hold of your manicures and maintains the good health of your nails. Often neglected, this preliminary step is nevertheless crucial. The nail expert Maryton will tell you the key steps for successful preparation, an essential prerequisite for an impeccable and long-lasting manicure.

Here is a step by step and some tips for a truly lasting and effective result:

The common sense of the file!

Start by filing your nails to give them the desired shape.

Whether you prefer square, oval, almond or stiletto nails, it is important to file them carefully. Use a file suitable for natural nails, opt for the softer side and avoid at all costs going back and forth, which splits and weakens the nails.

Pamper your cuticles

Remember that your cuticles are small fragile skins that protect the Matrix of your nails. While it is important to push them back for clear nail contours making it easier to apply and hold varnish, be careful not to damage them.

First place a drop of cuticle oil at the base of your nails and leave for a minute to soften your cuticles. Massage them gently, then remove the excess with a cotton pad.

Then gently push the cuticles with the round tip of your cuticle pusher, always in the opposite direction to the growth of the nail and without going back and forth so as not to scratch it.

Gently roughen

For this penultimate step, use a preparation file.

This magical tool evens out and smoothes the surface of the nails to prepare them for the application of your base coat or treatment. A key step which will significantly improve the hold of the varnish.

To do this, simply sand lightly, always without going back and forth, the surface of the nail in the direction of growth. That is to say from the base to the top of the nail, ending with the free edge.

Zero grease or dust

The last step of this preparation consists of degreasing your nails to eliminate any residue of grease and/or dust which could minimize the adhesion of the varnish during application.

All you need is nail polish remover and some cotton pads to clean your nails before application.

Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I recommend investing in some professional manicure sets to care for your hands.

Read also: How to choose your nail drill bit?


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