Red nails: what shade according to my complexion?

Red is a timeless color that any woman can wear on her nails regardless of the seasons. Sexy and sophisticated, red is flawless. From bright red, to raspberry red, garnet red, or even burgundy red... It all comes down to choosing the shade that best suits your skin tone. Manicure: what shade of red to choose according to your complexion? As for make-up, it’s preferable to choose your va...


Perfect nails

Perfect nails, we all dream of them. But difficult to achieve this if you are not a fan of nail salons. So when the time comes to put on your nail polish, a small problem always comes to confront us. Broken nail, damaged or chipped nail polish... Not easy indeed! Today, I'm giving you 7 tips that will help you get perfect nails! 1. File your nails properly To begin, you will need to arm...